
Dream :: 011 - Mini / Japan / Jet Fighters

So im drifting off to sleep just now and i remembered last nights dream. I was driving a mini around Japan with someone else. There was 8 of us total in 2 minis. We were trying to find our way to a northern island across a giant bridge so we could get to that airport.

When we finally got there after some trouble and stopping for directions / GPS, the airport only had jet fighters and we knew that. For some reason one of us was a retired General, one of the other guys was a fighter pilot and my ID fooled the guy into thinking i was a pilot as well.

Just before they gave me a plane i woke up.


Dream :: 010 - Football / GameShow / Weather

We were competing in some sort of game show, traveling around a large 'laurier' type school and competing in sports. There was some sort of other crazy twist but i can't remember.


Dream :: 009 - Absent Teaching / Starcraft

for some reason while dreaming i came up with a reason on how a proff could teach a valuable lesson by not showing up for class.. i cant remember how i justified it anymore

Dream :: 008 - Sonic

Here's the first attempt.

Most of these won't have a description i don't think... but maybe a picture :)

Lack of Posts

Sorry guys, I'm back in school now so i haven't been posting in a while. Naturally school means i have to get up in the morning... and when i have to get up early i don't get a chance to sleep in.

So basically I don't have time to remember my dreams let alone write em out while they're still fresh. So I'm gonna try something new! From now on (at least for a little while) im gonna try and just use one word to describe the dream.

Sometimes when i wake up i have a song stuck in my head for some reason. Its usually just one line and i can't stop repeating it. So using a single word that is most relevant/stuck in my head should be easy and quick to get done.