
Dream :: 012 - Astronaut / Mars / EVE / Heroes

So i had a dream that i was an astronaut. In the dream i had just completed a 2 year training course and was about to take part in a manned mission to Mars. There was a group of about 10 of us going, most of them were my friends. Of the people i can remember, my sister and my cousin Andrew were going as well. Also another close friend of mine whom i can't remember but we were going up there as best friends.

While prepping for the mission i remember we were in a giant room and everyone was getting their equipment on. Someone asked me something insulting - i cant remember what it was but i think it had something to do with what im doing with my life. And i got mad at them and explained to them that i was the one on a manned mission to mars and that this was the greatest success in my life considering the fact that i had only decided to be an astronaut 2 years prior.

Then we had to stick these GIANT food tubes down our throats - they were going to keep our throats open so that we could eat without swallowing - just putting the food into the tube. It was pretty gross.

I remember the spacesuits felt a little akward but i didn't care much.

Then we were in space flew past the moon and headed to mars - the trip didnt take long, but i guess that's what dreams are. And we got there pretty much no problem. It was red and pretty barren but not totally empty. We were not the first mission to mars and there already colonies setup there.

When we landed we were welcomed as the new local heroes. And there was a mass to celebrate our arrival. Oh yea there was also a catholic church on mars. During the mass they called up a few 'special' people but myself and the 7 other astronauts were not congratulated or anything. This got us really upset and my best friend ( the one i can't remember ) pranked the priest during the mass.

So we had to like run away and hide him or something, i cant really remember much.

Then the dream totally shifts over and I'm in this apartment but you move around in it by warping from planet to planet located in the apartment in the EVE type way. There are also some pirates in the system and im hunting for them while trying not to get hunted in the normal EVE kind of sense.

There's a girl in the apartment in the kitchen washing dishes (lol i kno). And i find a yellow two headed canary and teach it to sing and leave it in the kitchen with her for it to sing to her. Then we have to go and hide my friend who is still running from the church i guess. So we find a way to change his face and make him disappear. We all have powers like in heroes, i think we used a time travel power on him or something.

Thats about it, rest is really blurry.