
Dream :: 015 - Space God / Concentration Camp

I've been having tonnes - since this one was already typed up ill post it.

[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> nooo :(
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i had a crazy dream
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i guess i was on a spaceship
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and there was a crew
[17:11] was it an EvE dream?
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> but the crew was all rentals/ temps
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> we were delivering some sort of cargo
[17:11] like accountemps
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> not eve :P
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> anyways
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the world as u know it was scum
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> so here's where it gets a bit wierd
[17:12] *** pprt quit (Ping timeout)
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> God appeared on our ship
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> as a human
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> he was very upset
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> also
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> he was extremely scared
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> of something else
[17:13] has ungst ever been in any of your dreams?
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i guess it her was kinda like Jesus
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and he was afraid of God
[17:13] ungst could look like jesus if he grew a beard
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and he was begging for forgiveness
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> for how fucked up the world was
[17:13] so could kura
[17:13] he looks like a carpenter
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> there was some bit in there about talking to a messenger
[17:14] god was begging for forgiveness HOW CRAZY
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i think somoene died..
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> it was realy really wierd
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> we had these messengers we were supposed to protect/deliver i think
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> anyways
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> it turns out
[17:14] were you sweating?
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the only thing we could do to save the world
[17:14] was to deliver the CARGO?
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> was to run our delivery full time with the part time staff
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and do multiple runs in a row - without having time to change crew
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> or else i think God was going to destroy the world as we knew it
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> then
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> *******************ZAAP*************************
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> part 2
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> im in a concentration camp
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> im my regular polish self
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> im being trapped for being 1 polish 2 a student
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> there are half dozen resistance chinese soldiers
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> 2 other students
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> 1 girl
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> in this world there is someting about girls
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> they are like the prophet/messengers we were tryign to deliver
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> but this dream is definatly seperate
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> we a peacefully waiting for someone to rescue us
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> we know there is a plan for a tunney
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> tunnel **
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the tunnel was made by a lifesized animated hedgehog
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and it comes out in the wrong spot
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and alerts the gaurds
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> one of the gaurds in the nest starts spraying with his mounted machine gun
[17:17] now i know why you're still single
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> its freakin the SHIT out of me
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> THEN
[17:18] put this in the wiseguy story thread
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the chinese resistance fighters
[17:18] oooo
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> oh im not done yet
[17:18] chinese
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> suddenly
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> they were hiding weapons
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and start throwing grenades at the gaurds
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the gaurds open fire
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and it turns into a GIANT gunfight tha tim in the middle of
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> so i hit the ground
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> one of the students see the comotion and makes a fun for it
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> im considering it too atm to escape
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> but just as im about to get up
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i see him get ripped up in the back with some mg rounds
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i decide to stay on the ground :(
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> its really gory
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the nades are flyin everywhere
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and people are getting torn up
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i guys exploded head flies past me a few times or a leg or arm
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i try to distance myself form the resistance fighters
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> pretty soon they're all dead
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> OH missed the best part
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the gaurds were chucking nades at / near my direction
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i was running around like a little girl avoiding them
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the blasts were extremely hot from what i remember
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> one got raelly close almost hurt me
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> so it all finally calms down
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the camp is a mess
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> only me 1 girl and 1 student are alive
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and im sitting in a small sand pit
[17:22] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and the girl has like no emotion in here eyes
[17:22] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the guy is just sitting there
[17:22] <+NR|`WiseGuy> so i just sit there and take her hands
[17:22] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and then i wake up