
Dream :: 015 - Space God / Concentration Camp

I've been having tonnes - since this one was already typed up ill post it.

[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> nooo :(
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i had a crazy dream
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i guess i was on a spaceship
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and there was a crew
[17:11] was it an EvE dream?
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> but the crew was all rentals/ temps
[17:11] <+NR|`WiseGuy> we were delivering some sort of cargo
[17:11] like accountemps
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> not eve :P
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> anyways
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the world as u know it was scum
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> so here's where it gets a bit wierd
[17:12] *** pprt quit (Ping timeout)
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> God appeared on our ship
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> as a human
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> he was very upset
[17:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> also
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> he was extremely scared
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> of something else
[17:13] has ungst ever been in any of your dreams?
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i guess it her was kinda like Jesus
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and he was afraid of God
[17:13] ungst could look like jesus if he grew a beard
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and he was begging for forgiveness
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> for how fucked up the world was
[17:13] so could kura
[17:13] he looks like a carpenter
[17:13] <+NR|`WiseGuy> there was some bit in there about talking to a messenger
[17:14] god was begging for forgiveness HOW CRAZY
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i think somoene died..
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> it was realy really wierd
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> we had these messengers we were supposed to protect/deliver i think
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> anyways
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> it turns out
[17:14] were you sweating?
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the only thing we could do to save the world
[17:14] was to deliver the CARGO?
[17:14] <+NR|`WiseGuy> was to run our delivery full time with the part time staff
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and do multiple runs in a row - without having time to change crew
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> or else i think God was going to destroy the world as we knew it
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> then
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> *******************ZAAP*************************
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> part 2
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> im in a concentration camp
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> im my regular polish self
[17:15] <+NR|`WiseGuy> im being trapped for being 1 polish 2 a student
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> there are half dozen resistance chinese soldiers
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> 2 other students
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> 1 girl
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> in this world there is someting about girls
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> they are like the prophet/messengers we were tryign to deliver
[17:16] <+NR|`WiseGuy> but this dream is definatly seperate
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> we a peacefully waiting for someone to rescue us
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> we know there is a plan for a tunney
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> tunnel **
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the tunnel was made by a lifesized animated hedgehog
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and it comes out in the wrong spot
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and alerts the gaurds
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> one of the gaurds in the nest starts spraying with his mounted machine gun
[17:17] now i know why you're still single
[17:17] <+NR|`WiseGuy> its freakin the SHIT out of me
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> THEN
[17:18] put this in the wiseguy story thread
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the chinese resistance fighters
[17:18] oooo
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> oh im not done yet
[17:18] chinese
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> suddenly
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> they were hiding weapons
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and start throwing grenades at the gaurds
[17:18] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the gaurds open fire
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and it turns into a GIANT gunfight tha tim in the middle of
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> so i hit the ground
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> one of the students see the comotion and makes a fun for it
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> im considering it too atm to escape
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> but just as im about to get up
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i see him get ripped up in the back with some mg rounds
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i decide to stay on the ground :(
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> its really gory
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the nades are flyin everywhere
[17:19] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and people are getting torn up
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i guys exploded head flies past me a few times or a leg or arm
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i try to distance myself form the resistance fighters
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> pretty soon they're all dead
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> OH missed the best part
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the gaurds were chucking nades at / near my direction
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i was running around like a little girl avoiding them
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the blasts were extremely hot from what i remember
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> one got raelly close almost hurt me
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> so it all finally calms down
[17:20] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the camp is a mess
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> only me 1 girl and 1 student are alive
[17:21] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and im sitting in a small sand pit
[17:22] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and the girl has like no emotion in here eyes
[17:22] <+NR|`WiseGuy> the guy is just sitting there
[17:22] <+NR|`WiseGuy> so i just sit there and take her hands
[17:22] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and then i wake up


Dream :: 014 - New Years / Jump!

Had two dreams tonight. The first i was re-visiting Vancouver and it was new years. I was in what was my apartment except i've never actually seen this apartment, but in the dream it was mine. I had a bunch of guests over in the main room and we were getting ready for new years. I was in the bedroom getting dressed trying to find a tie that looked professional.

But i was having trouble with these ties, i finally found one that i thought would look perfect but when i put it on the pattern was different and only the one i wanted from half way down the tie. Then all of a sudden the tie got REALLY thick. Like an inch thick, and it was also black.

Somewhere at this point my mindset slipped and im not putting on a halloween costume becuase i can't find a good tie anyways. I already had a wig on (big afro). And this thick tie that i was struggling with turns out to be AMAZING sideburns to complete my "im black" costume. I looked totally black, just like that photoshopped picture, but way better.

Then i get back to the party and all the guests are kinda waiting so we go out for dinner on the town. Sushi :). The place we go to is super fancy and expensive. We get our food, i end up eating chicken... off the bone, like a drum stick. Cept im eating it with chopsticks and it takes really long to eat. The people there get mad that im taking so long to eat cuase other people are waiting cuase theres like a long wait to get into this place. So after that we leave and we realize its already past like 3AM and we missed new years.

Now my dream starts crossing over. Welcome to the world of JUMP! So im not sure at which point the rules of this 'world' were explained to me but its best to think of this place as like a prime time TV show, where wierd things are possible, but its still techincally real.

So in this world you have your 'energy' levels which people maintain. If you get tierd theres this drink that been invented called Boost which fills up your energy but tastes aweful. It like littearlly will revive a dead athelete to perfect stamina (but its more like mana).

So the basic premise in this world is that if you have a wish and your energy is full. If you jump REALLY hard and hit the ground you will be fine, and your wish will come true.

But for some reason (the same reason i've crossed over to that world). The JUMP has been broken. Also culture is slightly different in this world, I was wearing shorts and a nice shirt and people considered me to be offensive, because i was dressed in the traditional fancy type clothes.

So there is a dissaster in this world, the sky is dark and storm coulds are everywhere. There is also some sort of vortex type thing in the distance (think city 17 citadel when its collapsing).

But now whenever someone tries to JUMP instead fo them getting their wish - random objects fall from the sky.

So we're in a shopping mall, and im with my friends from the party (remember dream crossed over) and they try to get into this store, and im stopped at the door by a kind preson and they just shake their head no. So i say "I can't go in cuase of the dress code" and she replies "im sorry". So i just go chill on some benches while people stare at me.

Next thing i remember im in a shopping mall going through isles with a friend, and i ask him "so how come theres a shopping mall if anyoen can jsut get their wish through JUMPing?" - and he explains to me that he rarely jumps becuase its hard for him to get full energy, and he never feels motivated to drink BOOST.

Then we hear a rukus in the far end of the story (people are starting to freak out) and a riot is forming. A dude is stealing some stuff from the store and knocking down all the girl employees that try to stop him. A guy chases him outside, i go too but im too far to catch up at this point. The thief gets outside jumps in a shopping cart while its rolling and then jumps up in the cart to JUMP away supposedly. But nothing happens so he does it 2 more times. All of a sudden shopping carts start falling from the sky and the employee and theif are trying not to get hit. The employee runs off teh curb and swan dives into the pavement not realizing that his JUMP wont work and he ends up smashing his face. Ipods start raining down. Then the two get into a massive fist fight and are both in rough shape, and i more or less wake up at this point.

Hope you enjoyed that read.


Dream :: 013 - Jedi SwitchBlade / Camping

[14:06] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i had a dream that i discovered an ancient jedi temple
[14:06] <+NR|`WiseGuy> with 3 fully functionining light sabers...
[14:06] <+NR|`WiseGuy> cept they were more like light switch-knives
[14:06] ...
[14:07] did you use your light switch-knives to rob a jedi convenience store?
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> no u jerk

[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> in my dream i had a dream
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and it was a premonition
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> about my master
[14:08] lies
[14:08] all lies
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and his previous master / friends
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and that they were actually jedi in hiding
[14:08] never mind, i don't even care
[14:09] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i guess my premonition was probably mild encounter with teh force
[14:09] lies lies lies
[14:09] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and so i followed my dream dream and discovered the temple
[14:10] ...
[14:10] why hasn't he stopped?

[14:10] <+NR|`WiseGuy> before all of this there was a part that involved camping past a dark parking lot and some sort of party and my sister was there - but it was unrelated to the jedi chapter
[14:11] hahahahaha
[14:11] he WRITES for craigslist
[14:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i havent dream blogged ina while
[14:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> maybe ill just post this chat in there - cuase im pretty lazy