
Dream :: 013 - Jedi SwitchBlade / Camping

[14:06] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i had a dream that i discovered an ancient jedi temple
[14:06] <+NR|`WiseGuy> with 3 fully functionining light sabers...
[14:06] <+NR|`WiseGuy> cept they were more like light switch-knives
[14:06] ...
[14:07] did you use your light switch-knives to rob a jedi convenience store?
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> no u jerk

[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> in my dream i had a dream
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and it was a premonition
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> about my master
[14:08] lies
[14:08] all lies
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and his previous master / friends
[14:08] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and that they were actually jedi in hiding
[14:08] never mind, i don't even care
[14:09] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i guess my premonition was probably mild encounter with teh force
[14:09] lies lies lies
[14:09] <+NR|`WiseGuy> and so i followed my dream dream and discovered the temple
[14:10] ...
[14:10] why hasn't he stopped?

[14:10] <+NR|`WiseGuy> before all of this there was a part that involved camping past a dark parking lot and some sort of party and my sister was there - but it was unrelated to the jedi chapter
[14:11] hahahahaha
[14:11] he WRITES for craigslist
[14:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> i havent dream blogged ina while
[14:12] <+NR|`WiseGuy> maybe ill just post this chat in there - cuase im pretty lazy

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