
Dream :: 026

10:04 vvork i had a dream that i was on plane with my family
10:05 vvork but like we built the plane
10:05 vvork just the 4 of us
10:05 vvork then we landed it
10:05 vvork and decided to walk somewhere
10:05 vvork we were walking up this long hill for a long time
10:05 vvork then there was a huge house party
10:05 vvork out on the street
10:05 vvork for like a whole block
10:05 vvork and i even saw some friends there
10:05 vvork but we kept walking
10:05 vvork there were dancers and everything
10:05 vvork it was a crazy party
10:06 vvork then my left leg gimped out
10:06 vvork and i couldnt walk normal
10:06 vvork so i was hoping on my right leg
10:06 vvork trying to make my left leg normal
10:07 vvork it took a LOT of brain power
10:07 vvork to make my leg start working
10:07 vvork like i had to physically think of every small movement
10:07 vvork in rapid succession
10:07 vvork it was like qwop
10:07 vvork but eventaully i got it working
10:08 vvork then we walked up to a haunted house
10:08 vvork and i saw my old friend was workin it
10:08 vvork and shes super cute but i havent seen her in a while so i was like
10:08 vvork okay ya let's see her try and scare me
10:08 vvork so i went in there
10:08 vvork looking for her
10:09 vvork so i walk into this creepy bedroom
10:09 vvork and im like
10:09 vvork "oh i know you're in here"
10:09 vvork and i can tell that now she's gonna be scared
10:09 vvork and i find her under the bed
10:09 vvork and i grab her feet and start pulling her out
10:09 vvork and we're both laughing
10:09 vvork but she's also kinda trying to yell
10:10 vvork and i tickle her, the end
10:10 vvork oh! and a rating system appears with several scores
10:10 vvork a lot of them fill to like 7/7 or 8/8
10:11 vvork one stays at like 1/6

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