
Dream :: 028

11:52 vvork time for a vvisedream!
11:52 vvork i had an inception style dream last night
11:52 vvork in my dream i came up with a starling discovery
11:52 vvork i realized that if you took away all the weekends
11:52 vvork everyone would work 2 more days in the week
11:53 vvork and as such the whole world would be more productive!
11:53 vvork and all the companies and managers loved me for this great discovery that i made
11:53 vvork then i woke up
11:53 vvork and i told my friend
11:53 vvork "hey man, i had a great dream that i invented removing weekends"
11:53 vvork "and everyone loved me for it because of all the increased productivity!"
11:54 vvork and he looks at me really upset and sais
11:54 vvork "ya we already haev that" ... "It's called overtime"
11:54 vvork and he looks at my other buddy and he sais "Thanks a LOT!"
11:54 vvork and i had already invented this idea years ago
11:54 vvork and the whole world was dark and depressed
11:54 vvork cause everyone always worked all the time
11:54 vvork then i woke up again
11:54 vvork this time for real
11:54 vvork the end

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