
Dream :: 006

This ones a little bit hazy but it was sooooo good. It just made me feel really great for some reason.

Everything happens at nighttime, it was always dark. It starts off in a fairly industrial setting. Think of like a old city thats mostly in ruins, HL2 - City 17 style, or like Ravenholm without the zombies. I can't remember a lot of this part so i'll start off where its first clear.

I'm escaping from something, myself and this girl (a friend) are sprinting down a train platform trying to get to the far side. Its wierd for some reason in the dream i can remember people calling her fakeplasticbunny (aka Nina), but i remember what this girl looked like and it clearly wasn't her.

As a matter of fact, it looked more like the girl from the "too old for a babysitter" clip, cept with dark hair. Actually, it looked like Erin from SJU res last year. Since this is a refference for myself, she gives off the aura of Amber. Also, for unknown reasons shes only wearing black lingere, with like a white meshy see through, floaty type covering thats kinda like a beach blouse / skirt.

Anyways i make it to the end of the platform first and realize a puddle at the end of it ( it looks slippery and its right where u need to slow down to jump down) so i carefully slow down and jump off the platform. The girl is fast approaching behind me and i figure to myself, shes gonna slip for sure, so i ready myself for the worst case scenario.

As predicted she hits the puddle just as she tries to stop and her feet give out from under her at full speed, she flies off the edge of the runway(train platform) and goes crashing into me. The crash is a bit rough but by the end of it we stop tumbling and im flat on my back with her leaning overtop of me. This hit a slightly romantic aura and just as she leans forward to kiss me some of our friends dash in from the side, and we both jump to our feet and escape.

Bit of Blur...

Next thing i remember im in my room. When i say my room its the room i had back when i was in elementary school, living on Colborne, cept my bed is not a queen sized and not a bunk-bed. I'm in my bed watching TV and the girl is there too. Its not all XXX, we're just hanging out and watching TV. We're obvoiusly pretty good friends and theres some strong tension between us. She leans in and kisses me. Next thing i remember someone is knocking on the bedroom door and i run up to get it. I realized i have NOTHING on, and to make things look not as bad as they do i throw on some boxers while opening the door.

ROB PETUS comes in, he's looking for something and its pretty important. He looks at me struggling to get my boxers on and sees the girl in my bed in just some lingere and thinks the worst apologizes for intruding but continues to search for something in my closet.

Bit of Blur... The next few scenes i dont have recolection of which came first. Here's the atmosphere though. I'm still some sort of city rebel. Think LeLouche of the rebellion (that explains the city too). The girl is gone, lost.

So I'll cut to one of the scenes. I'm at a shore with some other people, we have just sent off 2 younger kids somewhere else via ferry/cruise to safety somewhere. I think they were some kind of targets so we were trying to protect them. As their escort we decided to send the girl with them. She dressed as their maid, (not sexy maid), like just regular maid.

The ferry is like 300m from shore when it explodes and sinks. We're all terrified cuase our good friend (the girl) was on it.

Cut to another scene.

Im in the ruins of the city now and im fighting / escaping from some sort of enforcement. I remember fighting against guys in futuristic armour. With terrible odds against me. I'm running around hiding behind things. I can remember finding a gun with a few rounds in it, turning and shooting a soldier several times in the back of the head to no effect on his armour then me running away again.

I end up defeating several of these guys through quickly built traps and close combat. A few people witness the figthing as i escape from the enforcment. I meet up with some friends later on or something. I'm not sure if im fighting to save the girl (becuase shes a captive) or if she's an ally and i meet up with her later. Its too fuzzy now. This was clearly one of the best parts of the dream and long but i've sadly totally lost it now :(

Fighting takes place in this kind of environment - but with more like half walls made of scrap metal.

In the next scene things have calmed down. I'm now part of some sort of noble family, we have a maid that i found ( who is secretly the girl ). I'm the only one that knows of it... someone else finds out about it later and so we reunite with each other. Anwyays, we're in pizza shop just eating pizza. My uncle is super rich or something and owns the place so we can boss teh staff around eat for free. We get the kids next to us a free pizza too. They leave before its delivered... stupid kids, they asked for it too. I have a fiancee and shes pretty... but im just not interested in her. I'm way more interested in finding a way to have an affair with the girl, becuase just thinking about her makes me excited.

The rest of the dream is pretty faded too. Some of what i said may already be wrong... It was really nice though - motivated me enough to write about it.

Till next time.

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