
Dream :: 007

My first dream tonight starts off with me at a lake. I'm there with a few friends when we suddenly see some jet fighters flying overhead, they look like military planes but they're painted with like a dark camo so they seem kinda strange. Like NPC pirates from eve. Either way we see one of them maneuvering not too far away from us and he goes for a turn around by pulling up and flipping back - but he's way too low and can't recover from it and ends up hitting the water. As soon as he starts the manuever i can tell he's not going to make it so i brace myself to see him hit the water. Uncle Ron is there as well and he said the same thing, he could tell as well but he said everything ina more techinical way, i admit to the fact i have no idea what you call all the moves.

Anyways we see him hit the water - not too hard and really close to the shoreline... it stalls his engines and the pilot escapes running.

It turns out to be an F-14, myself and someone else get into it ( a friend of mine, a girl, other than that no idea who ) and we decide to see if we can start the plane up again. WE DO! and since the plane is already aligned up on the water, we try using the lake as a run way skipping along it. IT WORKS!

The only problem is 100% trust isnt enough to get the plane to pull up off the water enough, so we're barely getting any life and i cant find the afterburner, i finally find it and it pulls us up just like 10-20 feet and i start trying to bring the plane around, i get us more or less back over the beach and the power just isn't enough and the plane comes down to teh ground drifting.

Then we realize we have to hide - the military has shown up and are searching for their plane. We are scared and don't want to get arrested. The plane dissasembles into a Helicopter Prop. and a small cockpit - both light enough for me to carry at the same time. So i take them and run to the nearest bushes to hide. While in the bushes i start going through all the controls inside the jet fighter cockpit and i realize there are some strange buttons in there.

The first one i find is "Ignition", so i hit it and it turns off the thursters on the cockpit ... yes they were still on and idle teh whole time.

The second button i find is "Fakeplasticbunny - Soul Caliber" now i realize this is the second time bunny's name has appeared in my dream and now i can remember that the girl that was helping me the plane was apparently her as well, even though i dont remember a face i do remember her being my partner in this mystery. Anyways it turns out that this place was part of like a covert spy opertation. Just as i press this button - one of the gaurds searching for the plane is walking buy and when i press it i hear his walkie talkie go off with like a special hidden code word. And then the guy takes off running to whatever code i just triggered by pressing the button. Soul Caliber is the other person they were spying on .... yea don't ask. It might have been Chiken Cannon but i cant really remember.

Thats about the end of that dream.

The second dream had something to do with a house - and a wierd person.

The third dream starts off with me writing an Algebra Test. We get the tests back later on and i got like an 87%. I'm super pumped becuase i studied my butt off for that exam. My friends however, one of which is Daniel Hogan ( i kno lol ) and she did really bad on the test. Turns out most people got really bad on the test, and i was the only one that actually did that good. But i'm still happy becuase i deserved cuase i studied my butt off.

Ouu, i remember one of the questions - we had to graph something based on the description, and the graph we ended up drawing had 2 lines on it. One going from (-1,1) to (1,-1) and then the second line went from (-1, 0.8) to (1, -0.8). I got perfect on it - i cant remember the description too well but he said something about orthonormal vectors and something to do with inverse's or transversals or something like that.

The next thing i remember - I'm watching a couple i guess from a narrative state, there's this guy thats really obsessed about his gf. The gf is off on some sort of trip. This guy lives in a beach house right on the lake, and he's composing songs for her. When this part of the dream starts she's just getting back from her trip and he surprises her by performing all the new songs for her. She just said "too much" and throws all the songs he wrote in the lake (all the sheet music he wrote).

The next thing thats going on i guess im the guy and im not that upset anymore and we're walking downtown oshawa, and theres like a hip-hop rapper behind us recording a music video - and i guess we're in it. This little kid is walking from around teh corner with a beach ball and spins it in the palm of his hand while walking forward with it so it looks kinda cool. So i take the beachball from him and start doing the same thing - over and over - but its really windy so the ball keeps falling and running away from me, so im chasing down the street for it a lot. And the gf and the hip-hop musician keep laughing, but they're like laughing with me more than at me and im having a lot of fun too.

They they're all gone and im still walking down the street - but now its with my sister and there are a bunch of wierd signs on the side of the road advertising for something. So we keep walking down and we realise that they are selling memberships for the Oshawa Public Parks, to like go and see all the sports games for free and stuff.

So we go into the ValleyView park outdoor baseball stadium and inside we see one of my friends and she just bought a membership becuase she goes to everysingle game and it would save her money but for some reason we hide from her and then the dream is over.

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