
Strange Awakening

The strangest thing happened to me this morning. I'm going to break it down step by step in the same way my thought process occurred at the time.
  1. I wake up looking up at the ceiling, it's dark, i hate winter mornings.
  2. I feel strangely rested, better than usual.
  3. The alarm isn't ringing... what time is it?
  4. At this point I feel my brain starting to turn on. It's trying to tell me something. 
    1. There was something i was supposed to remember this morning. 
    2. What was it? 
    3. Did I turn off the alarm clock?
  5. Roll to the left.... 10:30... my eyes are broken... check again, still 10:30.
  6. Oh no i slept in! ... no wait, it's dark out ...what? 
  7. My brain is going crazy at this moment. I can feel it on overdrive trying to answer "what would cause the sun not up to be up at 10:30?"
  8. Then i suddenly realize i'm already wearing clothes.
  9. ......................
  10. I remember the last thing before going to sleep. I was falling asleep at the computer after dinner and walked over to the bed to nap it off!
  11. IT'S 10:30PM!

I was quite upset, since 10:30 is usually the time i try to actually get to bed. If i got up then, well rested, i'd be wide awake until 2AM. So i decided to tough it out, i grabbed a glass of water and laid in bed until i fell asleep again.


Dream :: 029

From Email to Arthur:

Arthur i had a crazy dream that you were in and my sister was in too. She was living in some sketchy triplex type building but it had the most intense security system with lasers and shit which i accidentally tripped. SWAT showed up in like 15 seconds and I had to apologize and explain i just got lost in the building.

Then there was some sort of wierd competition in the building where the winner would get a wish granted.

Then I think you won and your dream was that our rock band band became a real rock band. So we had to get clothes for our band. So we all ended up shopping and making rock band clothes. You took two shirts and cut them in half front/back and stitched them together. The front shirt was White and was like a hockey jersey. And the back shirt was black and the name across your back was “ROOKIE”. You also had a wierd hat.

I found a pair of like pink/purple skinny jeans, a teal shirt and an orange hat. It was super guly, but super good.

Then we went to timmies to get some roll up the rim. But they messed up my bagel and instead i got a pb sandwich cut in half in a ziplock back with the peanut butter sticking to the bag.... and it cost $5 instead of the usual bagel price =\ I was not happy but i ate it anyways.


Dream :: 028

11:52 vvork time for a vvisedream!
11:52 vvork i had an inception style dream last night
11:52 vvork in my dream i came up with a starling discovery
11:52 vvork i realized that if you took away all the weekends
11:52 vvork everyone would work 2 more days in the week
11:53 vvork and as such the whole world would be more productive!
11:53 vvork and all the companies and managers loved me for this great discovery that i made
11:53 vvork then i woke up
11:53 vvork and i told my friend
11:53 vvork "hey man, i had a great dream that i invented removing weekends"
11:53 vvork "and everyone loved me for it because of all the increased productivity!"
11:54 vvork and he looks at me really upset and sais
11:54 vvork "ya we already haev that" ... "It's called overtime"
11:54 vvork and he looks at my other buddy and he sais "Thanks a LOT!"
11:54 vvork and i had already invented this idea years ago
11:54 vvork and the whole world was dark and depressed
11:54 vvork cause everyone always worked all the time
11:54 vvork then i woke up again
11:54 vvork this time for real
11:54 vvork the end


Dream :: 027

[09:45:04] [vvork] Lopert_work: !!
[09:45:07] [vvork] you were in my dream
[09:46:18] [vvork] i was in a game of HL3
[09:46:22] [vvork] or at least it seemed like it
[09:46:28] [vvork] except it was kinda coop
[09:46:35] [vvork] so there were other people there too
[09:47:02] [vvork] so
[09:47:11] [vvork] i solved this puzzel before but this time you were at the wheel
[09:47:18] [vvork] so i was just running around behind you
[09:47:23] [vvork] and watched you solve the puzzel
[09:47:41] [vvork] it involved chopping of the top of an extinguisher which flies off
[09:47:50] [vvork] and smoked a zombie gauring a door
[09:48:01] [vvork] without arousing suspicion of our presence
[09:48:17] [vvork] but you missed
[09:48:22] [vvork] then i asked you like
[09:48:25] [vvork] "how do you get HL3"
[09:48:30] [vvork] and you explained
[09:48:44] [vvork] that it's a special condition
[09:48:48] [vvork] from a game of SC2
[09:48:52] [vvork] you had to win
[09:48:56] [vvork] in exactly 2:00
[09:49:02] [vvork] and have exactly 2 minerals left
[09:49:08] [vvork] which apparently wasn't possible as zerg
[09:49:10] [vvork] and
[09:49:18] [vvork] the opponent had to say something before leaving
[09:49:21] [vvork] like a codephrase
[09:49:26] [vvork] that you had to provoke them into saying
[09:49:31] [vvork] but i don't remember what that was
[09:49:32] [vvork] :(
[09:49:48] [vvork] and if you did all that you could submit the replay and get HL3
[09:50:17] [vvork] and it was all in teh skill of delaying someone's concede to exactly the 2min mark
[09:50:27] [vvork] and that was it
[09:50:31] [vvork] dream over


Dream :: 026

10:04 vvork i had a dream that i was on plane with my family
10:05 vvork but like we built the plane
10:05 vvork just the 4 of us
10:05 vvork then we landed it
10:05 vvork and decided to walk somewhere
10:05 vvork we were walking up this long hill for a long time
10:05 vvork then there was a huge house party
10:05 vvork out on the street
10:05 vvork for like a whole block
10:05 vvork and i even saw some friends there
10:05 vvork but we kept walking
10:05 vvork there were dancers and everything
10:05 vvork it was a crazy party
10:06 vvork then my left leg gimped out
10:06 vvork and i couldnt walk normal
10:06 vvork so i was hoping on my right leg
10:06 vvork trying to make my left leg normal
10:07 vvork it took a LOT of brain power
10:07 vvork to make my leg start working
10:07 vvork like i had to physically think of every small movement
10:07 vvork in rapid succession
10:07 vvork it was like qwop
10:07 vvork but eventaully i got it working
10:08 vvork then we walked up to a haunted house
10:08 vvork and i saw my old friend was workin it
10:08 vvork and shes super cute but i havent seen her in a while so i was like
10:08 vvork okay ya let's see her try and scare me
10:08 vvork so i went in there
10:08 vvork looking for her
10:09 vvork so i walk into this creepy bedroom
10:09 vvork and im like
10:09 vvork "oh i know you're in here"
10:09 vvork and i can tell that now she's gonna be scared
10:09 vvork and i find her under the bed
10:09 vvork and i grab her feet and start pulling her out
10:09 vvork and we're both laughing
10:09 vvork but she's also kinda trying to yell
10:10 vvork and i tickle her, the end
10:10 vvork oh! and a rating system appears with several scores
10:10 vvork a lot of them fill to like 7/7 or 8/8
10:11 vvork one stays at like 1/6


Dream :: 025

11:35 vvorksick so i had a dream
11:35 vvorksick that i found a room
11:36 vvorksick that whatever you thought that room should be
11:36 vvorksick it would be that room
11:36 vvorksick but unfortunately i had watched a lot of DBZ: Kai last night
11:36 vvorksick and i was Gohan
11:37 vvorksick and i made the room into an indestructible training room
11:37 vvorksick :(