
Dream :: 001

Today i had a dream about eating a delicious sandwich. It tasted really good. So good in-fact i decided to continue on my dream journal in hopes that someone out there one day reads it and get a lot of good laughs from it.

There was more to the dream - something to do with Arthur - but i can't remember. mmmmm sandwiches.


Anonymous said...

Hi WiseGuy,

I hope you don't mind me commenting, but I followed your link from the TNR forums. You have interesting dreams. I can never seem to remember mine in such detail. Any ideas to help with dream recall?

-destruction pancake (You've probably seen me/killed me on the tf2 servers :D)

Unknown said...

yea dude - just give yourself 10 minutes to get up and out of bed, and go over it in your mind while its still fresh.

if i rush out of bed or someone wakes up me up abruptly i forget it right away