
Dream :: 002

I was stressed out while sleeping because of today's stats test and business presentation so naturally my sleeping was a bit off.

I originally had a really good dream, which i forgot because it was interrupted when i rolled over because of a pain in my shoulder :( all i remember is being upset looking at the clock - it saying 8:59 and me thinking it was way to early to be up... then i felt the pain in my shoulder.

I rolled back over and went back to sleep - this time i had a dream in which i was being pressured to do one of two things. Somehow both of these were metaphors for either:
A) Sleeping longer
B) Waking up

Something to do with a pillow full of hay, and me not wanting to get up. In reality my brain was trying to convince me to wake up so i could study for the Stats test some more... stupid stress, making my dreams uneasy.

Well that's it - not interesting this time but i'll try and get more detail in for the next ones. No major assignments/tests coming up.

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