
Dream :: 004

Awesome one again.

It starts off with me attending some new university. For the most part the university is like this GIANT auditorium, maybe more like a hangar and there are like moving walls made of sheets kinda like in a hospital. I meet like 6-7 new people and they're pretty nice. There's some thing about us playing pranks and having a good time. We all decide to take these tests to see how well we would do in a political field and one other field i cant remember now. Most people do pretty good and me despite feeling like i didn't do too well, i get both of my tests back with the proff offering me a job in that field.

The something crazy happens and we discover that this university is actually a secret training ground for this new military project, and that the students are being brainwashed into being these new high-tec soldiers.

The 6-7 of us somehow escape and we are assigned the task to build up our own counter fleets of 3-4 people to work covertly to try and stop the army.

My group ends up with 3 people and we are assigned our first mission. We are given a car and need to track down 3 different people in 3 different missions. We run into trouble with people trying to chase us down and kill us.

We end up having to scrap the car and barely escape in another one. Its kinda GTAIV style. So one way or another we end up on bikes, it turns out to be a great mode of transportation becuase we can bike really fast and still go in the alley's to lose cops and people that are chasing us etc.

Then we all start biking like parkour style - off/along walls over buildings, tricks off monuments and stuff like that. Like freerunning but with bikes. I can remember a few crazy tricks along this long fountain and the path splits off into 2 thin ways over teh water and u have to jump to them - i made it but the guy behind me went left instead of right and ended up not getting enough distance and landing in the water.

Then we meet this woman on her bike - and she seems kinda fishy - but she is giving us our next assignment. We are asked to take down 3 bikers, but the whole deal seems weird. There is something about the style, the guys we are supposed to target are like proffesional stunt bikers and we go to investigate teh woman instead. Something happens and i end up stealing her bike... but its really weird to pedal on. Its a way better bike than the one i was using its got 8 gears on the left and 10 on the right (super crazy) but when you pedal, the left pedal always goes to far too reach to press down with the left foot. We take a break and i start to adujst the seat to bring it closer and then the dream ends.

See ya next time.

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