
Dream :: 003

Long one today - definitely weird enough.

From what i remember it started off with forming a band, it was like a rock band cept we had 2 guys on guitar and 1 on bass. The catch was we were producing like midi style chip music, and the 2 guitar players were like IDENTICAL in everything. We were doing a live show and a cable came loose somewhere and we had to stall for like 15 minutes in the middle of a song.

Then the next thing i know we're in this Cabin Lodge style diner. There a lot of my friends there - including the band members - and a whole bunch of girls that i can't remember now but i could while i was in the dream. All the girls are waitresses, no exceptions. So anyways we start eating A LOT, like giant amounts of food - but the catch is we're somehow not paying because of some connections that on of the band members has.

We're also trying to play a prank on one of the waitresses into like getting her to eat some food or something. The wierd thing is i play through this part of the dream like 3 times. Its POURING rain outside, super hard. I have to take a rollercoaster home. One of those outdoor wooden ones.

Now we're back in the cabin im with one of the girls and suddenly theres a "Batman" rollercoaster inside the place - its a steel rollercoaster. Looks really good actually. So everyone starts riding it. The trick is its one of those rollercoasters that has slow sections that go through like haunted house type things and its supposed to be really scary. That coming from a decent source, a friend of mine in the dream that isnt afraid of much said so. So i go on it and its lots of fun, its all indoors too.

Then thers a section and the harnesses open up, the roller coaster car slowly goes down isles of like a bookstore - with magazine stands and books on the sides, there are like 3-4 isles and it goes slowly so u can go and check out books for a while. The first time im on the ride there is no one in the room and i find a manga isle. The second time there are lots of people and i pick up a book thats a Novel about Road Rash, the game.

Next phase of the dream - we're outside playing soccer baseball, there are lots of people there - like Gunner and Hal... people i know from NR are there as well like DS. There is some sort of points tournament based on events we had in the diner and the score of the soccer baseball game. I all i remember is that DS has 29 points which is a lot from 2 second place, and 2 dave (meaning first) place finishes in the diner plus his awesome soccerbaseball performance. I dont even think DS's name is dave... its wierd.

So we play for a while - its kinda wierd.. something about captains or something... the other team is losing and using confusion to cheat. Then i wake up.

Till Next Time!

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