
Dream :: 024

11:41 vvork so i was on a quest
11:41 vvork i needed to get to my cousins place
11:42 vvork but it was late at night
11:42 vvork and the road was long
11:42 vvork a few hundred km
11:42 vvork i think to make the trip i ended up on settling and taking a bus
11:42 vvork but i knew that it would get me there very late in the night
11:43 vvork upon arriving near my destination i bumped into my sister
11:43 vvork and asked her to help me
11:43 vvork cause she had the car
11:43 vvork and it was only a few minutes drive out of her way
11:43 vvork as expected
11:43 vvork she just left me at the side of the road and wouldn't help
11:43 vvork saying something like "it's not my problem if you can't plan how to get there yourself"
11:43 vvork "im not helping you with your problems"
11:43 vvork or something like that
11:44 vvork which is her general attitude towards me irl too
11:44 vvork so i was like w/e
11:44 vvork and i head off on foot for the last section of this journey
11:44 vvork i finally get to my cousins place
11:44 vvork and its like 5-6am
11:44 vvork and i can't ring the doorbell cause i'll wake up his family
11:44 vvork so im like dammit
11:45 vvork ill have to sleep outside till they are up
11:45 vvork but then i see a light turn on
11:45 vvork and my cousin is there
11:45 vvork and he's like
11:45 vvork yea i was up and saw you outside
11:45 vvork so he lets me in and we start catching up
11:45 vvork but he's already had his sleep
11:45 vvork and ive been up all night
11:45 vvork but i can't just go to sleep since he's nto going to be sleeping
11:45 vvork and it would be rude
11:45 vvork so im forced to pull an all nighter
11:46 vvork so anywyas we're out side
11:46 vvork and it's still dark but we're on an outdoor patio
11:46 vvork infront of a hair salon / restaurant thing
11:46 vvork and there are two cute girls in the window
11:46 vvork and i briefly make eye contact etc
11:46 vvork just waiting on some food to arrive
11:47 vvork and talkin to my cousin
11:47 vvork then orion shows up
11:47 vvork i invited him to come out with us
11:47 vvork and the girls come out to talk to me
11:47 vvork and they're nice but im not that interested because i mostly just want to get caught up on things with my cousin who i ahvent seen in a long time
11:47 vvork but orion like
11:47 vvork puts on his try hard pants
11:48 vvork the next time i look over at him
11:48 vvork he's changed into like really nice clothes
11:48 vvork and he decided to cook really fancy meals
11:48 vvork for the girls and us
11:48 vvork and sits them down etc
11:48 vvork like really trying to impress these chicks
11:48 vvork and i feel like that even though they were originally into me and that's why they came down to talk he's now stolen the show and they're totally digging him instead
11:49 vvork but i dotn really care either way
11:49 vvork so i just eat a nice meal and catch up with my cousin and talk to one of these girls
11:49 vvork then i woke up
11:49 vvork the end


Dream :: 023

13:40 vvork i was in ... i guess a classroom
13:40 vvork but it was kind of like an art gallery
13:41 vvork anyways
13:41 vvork everyone was given a peice of paper and some basic craft supplies and told to make something
13:41 vvork and i just took mine
13:41 vvork folded it in half a few times
13:41 vvork then cut out two bars from the middle
13:41 vvork kind of like an "E"
13:41 vvork and than rounded the top left corner
13:42 vvork and sat it up
13:42 vvork and everyone around me was like
13:42 vvork "ouuuuuuuuuu" and "ahhhhhhhhh"
13:42 vvork like i was a genius
13:42 vvork for some reason what i had done was very risky
13:42 vvork like
13:42 vvork almsost offensive
13:42 vvork and I was basically either goign to win with my artistic genius
13:42 vvork or be expelled from the competition
13:43 vvork in my head the shape kind of looked like a bass cleff for some reason
13:43 vvork it was wierd
13:43 vvork the end


Dream :: 022

10:51 vvork so lets start more or less with what i can remember
10:51 vvork i was in a living room
10:52 vvork it was mostly unfamilair
10:52 vvork but it was mine
10:52 vvork there were two couches
10:52 vvork for the sake of size
10:52 vvork let's think of sims
10:52 vvork one was 2 squares long
10:52 vvork one was 3 squares long
10:52 vvork there were some people in my living room
10:52 vvork and something happened
10:52 vvork like a large wind
10:53 vvork and it slid one of the couches
10:53 vvork and i was like
10:53 vvork oh manthis is going to make a mess
10:53 vvork but somehow
10:53 vvork it slid the couch into a place where it fit even better
10:53 vvork and made the wholeroom feel bigger
10:53 vvork and i aws like
10:53 vvork "this is okay, i like this"
10:53 vvork next thing i remember there was a bunch of us
10:53 vvork it's winter
10:53 vvork and its blizzarding
10:53 vvork teh wind is very very cold
10:53 vvork we're on a train
10:54 vvork we get off the train and approach a mountain side
10:54 vvork ther is a large steel hatchway in the mountain
10:54 vvork and we're going to sneak into it
10:54 vvork we open up one side and the 3-4 of us sneak in
10:54 vvork then it shuts
10:54 vvork and we're trapped
10:54 vvork a window lights up and someone is looking in at us
10:55 vvork he's got a heavy russian accent
10:55 vvork "what are you doing trying to get into siberia"
10:55 vvork its like a customs agent
10:55 vvork i can't remember our reason for getting in 
10:55 vvork but we eventually talk our way past the gaurd
10:55 vvork and open the other hatch on the other side
10:55 vvork and MAN
10:55 vvork the wind is gusting in hard
10:55 vvork and its all white
10:55 vvork the snow is intense
10:56 vvork we make it out the other side of this mountain and we're in siberia
10:56 vvork its super cold
10:56 vvork the end


Wake Up Song :: 001

Frequently when I wake up there is a song already stuck in my head. This time it was:
Gold Dust - DJ Fresh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNuUgbUzM8U

Dream :: 021

08:02 vvork i was on a trip to newyork with my sister
08:02 vvork it was the last day of the trip
08:02 vvork and she was busy with something
08:02 vvork so i had the night to myself to go out
08:02 vvork i make it downtown and im thinking to myself "finally"
08:03 vvork i get to do something fun
08:03 vvork so im walking downtown and i cross the street heading towards a diner
08:04 vvork when i see that it's mostly destoyed
08:04 vvork and burning
08:04 vvork and there's police tape being drawn around the location
08:04 vvork just outside the diner theres like a sidebar type thing
08:04 vvork with about 4 stools to it
08:04 vvork and one black guy sitting there
08:04 vvork looks kinda like don cheatle
08:05 vvork so i go and sit down next to him
08:05 vvork he's pretty chill
08:05 vvork then i hear the police cheif yelling
08:05 vvork "we need to get a perimeter setup out there and block this off"
08:05 vvork and someone yells back to him
08:05 vvork "are you crazy, you can't zone off a public locations"
08:05 vvork and he's like
08:06 vvork "but you can when one of the witnesses is located out there, he's part of the crime scene now"
08:06 vvork and he looks at don
08:06 vvork its clear that there was an explosion in this diner and don was sitting there the whole time and is the only witness to the crime that took place
08:06 vvork so teh cheif walks over and asks him "did you see anythign"
08:07 vvork don - "yea i saw it all, and i plan to sit here all night"
08:07 vvork police chief - "okay perfect" looks away "setup the tape!"
08:07 vvork don is pretty mellow, i appreciate his help so i tell him that i'm going to go get him a coffee
08:08 vvork seems like a nice thing to do
08:08 vvork so i walk like 2 blocks up to this night time coffee pub // night bar
08:08 vvork its really cool in there
08:08 vvork i head up to the counter and get a coffee for don
08:08 vvork and i realize, he's probably going to get hungry if he's there all night
08:08 vvork so i get some fries as well
08:09 vvork i get the fries and coffee and they smell SO GOOD
08:09 vvork i havent had french fries ina long time
08:10 vvork so i go to season the fries
08:10 vvork and i mess them up
08:10 vvork and im like dammit
08:10 vvork oh well
08:10 vvork i can't give bad fries to such a nice guy so i guess i'll just eat them
08:11 vvork so im heading back with the coffee
08:11 vvork and eating the most delicious fries ever and i think to myself
08:11 vvork "this is what i wanted"
08:11 vvork these are the best fries ever
08:11 vvork enjoying my night out in new york without my sis to bug me
08:11 vvork i while im eating the fries i accidentally sip on the coffee
08:11 vvork ITS ALSO AMAZING!
08:11 vvork best coffee i've ever had
08:12 vvork but at the same time im thinking dammit! now i have nothing for don
08:12 vvork but i figure - he's not in a hurry, ill just head back there and get him another coffee
08:12 vvork so i finish the coffee and head back to the coffee bar
08:12 vvork get another cup
08:12 vvork and head back
08:13 vvork but once again
08:13 vvork before i make it back
08:13 vvork i end up drinking the coffee
08:13 vvork its just too good!
08:13 vvork so i go back a third time
08:14 vvork this time im determined
08:14 vvork im going to bring back that nice man the coffee he deserves for helping out the police all night long
08:15 vvork i get into the coffee bar and i see a loooong line of people
08:15 vvork heading for the exit
08:15 vvork i run up to the counter and ask for a coffee
08:15 vvork they tell me they're out
08:15 vvork :(
08:15 vvork im pretty upset but w/e
08:15 vvork i'll just go back empty handed
08:16 vvork im on my way back and i see like a booth style table and seats
08:16 vvork so i sit down to take a rest
08:16 vvork two dudes come up and sit across from me
08:16 vvork based on their appearance i can tell they're polish
08:16 vvork i tell them im polish too
08:16 vvork and we start chatting about stuff
08:16 vvork we talk for a while
08:16 vvork and i realize that the sun is coming up
08:17 vvork it has been all night
08:17 vvork and i haven't brought don a coffee
08:17 vvork i say by to the two polish guys and start heading back but i run into my boss
08:17 vvork and he's like
08:18 vvork "okay the business trip stuff is taken care of"
08:18 vvork "let's get back"
08:18 vvork so i hop in his car
08:18 vvork and we drive back to vvork
08:18 vvork which apparently is only 90km
08:18 vvork new york --> waterloo
08:18 vvork we get back to teh office and my boss shows me the software that we use to track business trips
08:18 vvork apparently the more you travel the higher your score
08:19 vvork and the better you do
08:19 vvork but it's not really software
08:19 vvork its actually a racing game
08:19 vvork the more you travel the more gas your car has for the race
08:19 vvork and that's how you tally the points
08:19 vvork THE END

Mibbit.com Pasted on 2011-12-09 13:24:12


Dream :: 020

13:05 vvork I went exploring into this old ancient temple
13:05 vvork think like skyrim style
13:06 vvork i finally reached the end of it and found a chest
13:06 vvork this was something i had done before
13:06 vvork i open the chest and look inside
13:06 vvork and i find emptiness
13:06 vvork so sadly i close the chest and head back
13:07 vvork i head back outside and my comrade stops me
13:07 vvork and he says
13:07 vvork "Hey what's wrong, where is your dream?"
13:07 vvork and i say back
13:07 vvork "No dream tonight, the chest was empty it wasn't in there"
13:07 vvork but this was my dream
13:07 vvork the end
13:07 vvork inception


Dream :: 019

10:44 vvork myself, ungst and kura were driving into toronto
10:45 vvork only i was driving
10:45 vvork and it was ungst old car
10:45 vvork which was performing terrible, the engine was defiantely weak
10:45 vvork anyways we were trying to drive james somewhere
10:45 vvork and he was TERRIBLE at directions
10:45 vvork which is actually pretty accurate
10:46 vvork he was all like "yea we need to get off at that exit" after we would pass an exit
10:46 vvork and then i made the car fly
10:46 vvork and went straight to where i wanted
10:46 vvork and told him to get out
10:46 vvork the end


Dream :: 017/018

09:48 vvork ::::::::::::::::::::::: DREAM1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

09:48 vvork im sitting on a dock
09:48 vvork at a cottage beach
09:48 vvork some girl is there
09:48 vvork claims to be my gf
09:48 vvork maybe in her mind
09:49 vvork so im sitting on this dock
09:49 vvork and i see a dolphin
09:49 vvork and its friendly
09:49 vvork so i pet it
09:49 vvork then they swim away
09:49 vvork and a balooga whale appears infront of me and i pet it too
09:49 vvork and it does some tricks
09:49 vvork but then it gets beached
09:49 vvork so i go help roll it over to the water
09:50 vvork but i dont want to hurt it
09:50 vvork so i PICK UP THE WHALE
09:50 vvork and start walking it to deeper water
09:50 vvork and then it wraps itself around my head and suffocates me
09:50 vvork the end

09:51 vvork ::::::::::::::::::::::: DREAM2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

09:51 vvork im in toronto
09:51 vvork and kinda near teh skydome
09:51 vvork and its before a jays game
09:51 vvork so i call up KT and ask him if he wants to go to a game
09:51 vvork he's like "SURE!"
09:51 vvork so we meet up infront of this steak sandwich restaurant
09:52 vvork so kt pulls up in a brand new white nissan SUV
09:52 vvork in the dream i said it was a juke
09:52 vvork but that's wrong
09:52 vvork it wasn't
09:52 vvork so anyways
09:52 vvork kilat and ona show up
09:52 vvork and 2 other guys
09:52 vvork i dont remember who but probably jet and jelly
09:52 vvork and we're all gonna go to the jays game
09:52 vvork kilat is okay
09:53 vvork ona is being pretentious like usual
09:53 vvork we go into the steak sandwich store and order steaks in sandwiches
09:53 vvork they look really delicious
09:53 vvork but the sun is setting
09:53 vvork as the guy is makign the sandwiches
09:53 vvork and its getting darker
09:53 vvork but he's too busy to flip on teh lights
09:53 vvork by the time he's done making my sandwich its so dark i can barely see where it is
09:54 vvork a little kenyan boy runs in and steals it
09:54 vvork but it's okay i take the other one
09:54 vvork KT asks the store owner about a soccer trophy he had behind the counter
09:54 vvork they talk a bit about argentina or something
09:54 vvork the end


Dream :: 016

14:44 vvork i had a dream last night
14:44 vvork i came home
14:44 vvork and there was a hot chick in my house
14:44 vvork cleaning
14:44 vvork and she had made food
14:44 vvork wearing a maid type outfit
14:45 vvork and the greatest ass
14:45 vvork and i was like
14:45 vvork "something is wrong here"
14:45 vvork and i was suspicious
14:45 vvork but i couldn't resist the bait
14:45 vvork so i moved in for a feel and she turned into a giant monster
14:45 vvork and tried to eat me
14:45 vvork see i was in the middle of a save the world quest
14:45 vvork she almost fooled me
14:46 vvork it was a close one for earth
14:46 vvork but i got away
14:46 vvork i stole a hummer
14:46 vvork and drove it threw a wall
14:46 vvork and then
14:46 vvork the black guy from 2 fast 2 furoius was there
14:46 vvork and he let me lay low in his warehouse
14:46 vvork and got me a new car
14:46 vvork it was pretty chill
14:47 vvork then the alarm went off
14:47 vvork adventure over
14:48 vvork but dam
14:48 vvork that maid :3