
Dream :: 019

10:44 vvork myself, ungst and kura were driving into toronto
10:45 vvork only i was driving
10:45 vvork and it was ungst old car
10:45 vvork which was performing terrible, the engine was defiantely weak
10:45 vvork anyways we were trying to drive james somewhere
10:45 vvork and he was TERRIBLE at directions
10:45 vvork which is actually pretty accurate
10:46 vvork he was all like "yea we need to get off at that exit" after we would pass an exit
10:46 vvork and then i made the car fly
10:46 vvork and went straight to where i wanted
10:46 vvork and told him to get out
10:46 vvork the end

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