
Dream :: 017/018

09:48 vvork ::::::::::::::::::::::: DREAM1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

09:48 vvork im sitting on a dock
09:48 vvork at a cottage beach
09:48 vvork some girl is there
09:48 vvork claims to be my gf
09:48 vvork maybe in her mind
09:49 vvork so im sitting on this dock
09:49 vvork and i see a dolphin
09:49 vvork and its friendly
09:49 vvork so i pet it
09:49 vvork then they swim away
09:49 vvork and a balooga whale appears infront of me and i pet it too
09:49 vvork and it does some tricks
09:49 vvork but then it gets beached
09:49 vvork so i go help roll it over to the water
09:50 vvork but i dont want to hurt it
09:50 vvork so i PICK UP THE WHALE
09:50 vvork and start walking it to deeper water
09:50 vvork and then it wraps itself around my head and suffocates me
09:50 vvork the end

09:51 vvork ::::::::::::::::::::::: DREAM2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

09:51 vvork im in toronto
09:51 vvork and kinda near teh skydome
09:51 vvork and its before a jays game
09:51 vvork so i call up KT and ask him if he wants to go to a game
09:51 vvork he's like "SURE!"
09:51 vvork so we meet up infront of this steak sandwich restaurant
09:52 vvork so kt pulls up in a brand new white nissan SUV
09:52 vvork in the dream i said it was a juke
09:52 vvork but that's wrong
09:52 vvork it wasn't
09:52 vvork so anyways
09:52 vvork kilat and ona show up
09:52 vvork and 2 other guys
09:52 vvork i dont remember who but probably jet and jelly
09:52 vvork and we're all gonna go to the jays game
09:52 vvork kilat is okay
09:53 vvork ona is being pretentious like usual
09:53 vvork we go into the steak sandwich store and order steaks in sandwiches
09:53 vvork they look really delicious
09:53 vvork but the sun is setting
09:53 vvork as the guy is makign the sandwiches
09:53 vvork and its getting darker
09:53 vvork but he's too busy to flip on teh lights
09:53 vvork by the time he's done making my sandwich its so dark i can barely see where it is
09:54 vvork a little kenyan boy runs in and steals it
09:54 vvork but it's okay i take the other one
09:54 vvork KT asks the store owner about a soccer trophy he had behind the counter
09:54 vvork they talk a bit about argentina or something
09:54 vvork the end

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