
Dream :: 023

13:40 vvork i was in ... i guess a classroom
13:40 vvork but it was kind of like an art gallery
13:41 vvork anyways
13:41 vvork everyone was given a peice of paper and some basic craft supplies and told to make something
13:41 vvork and i just took mine
13:41 vvork folded it in half a few times
13:41 vvork then cut out two bars from the middle
13:41 vvork kind of like an "E"
13:41 vvork and than rounded the top left corner
13:42 vvork and sat it up
13:42 vvork and everyone around me was like
13:42 vvork "ouuuuuuuuuu" and "ahhhhhhhhh"
13:42 vvork like i was a genius
13:42 vvork for some reason what i had done was very risky
13:42 vvork like
13:42 vvork almsost offensive
13:42 vvork and I was basically either goign to win with my artistic genius
13:42 vvork or be expelled from the competition
13:43 vvork in my head the shape kind of looked like a bass cleff for some reason
13:43 vvork it was wierd
13:43 vvork the end

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