
Dream :: 022

10:51 vvork so lets start more or less with what i can remember
10:51 vvork i was in a living room
10:52 vvork it was mostly unfamilair
10:52 vvork but it was mine
10:52 vvork there were two couches
10:52 vvork for the sake of size
10:52 vvork let's think of sims
10:52 vvork one was 2 squares long
10:52 vvork one was 3 squares long
10:52 vvork there were some people in my living room
10:52 vvork and something happened
10:52 vvork like a large wind
10:53 vvork and it slid one of the couches
10:53 vvork and i was like
10:53 vvork oh manthis is going to make a mess
10:53 vvork but somehow
10:53 vvork it slid the couch into a place where it fit even better
10:53 vvork and made the wholeroom feel bigger
10:53 vvork and i aws like
10:53 vvork "this is okay, i like this"
10:53 vvork next thing i remember there was a bunch of us
10:53 vvork it's winter
10:53 vvork and its blizzarding
10:53 vvork teh wind is very very cold
10:53 vvork we're on a train
10:54 vvork we get off the train and approach a mountain side
10:54 vvork ther is a large steel hatchway in the mountain
10:54 vvork and we're going to sneak into it
10:54 vvork we open up one side and the 3-4 of us sneak in
10:54 vvork then it shuts
10:54 vvork and we're trapped
10:54 vvork a window lights up and someone is looking in at us
10:55 vvork he's got a heavy russian accent
10:55 vvork "what are you doing trying to get into siberia"
10:55 vvork its like a customs agent
10:55 vvork i can't remember our reason for getting in 
10:55 vvork but we eventually talk our way past the gaurd
10:55 vvork and open the other hatch on the other side
10:55 vvork and MAN
10:55 vvork the wind is gusting in hard
10:55 vvork and its all white
10:55 vvork the snow is intense
10:56 vvork we make it out the other side of this mountain and we're in siberia
10:56 vvork its super cold
10:56 vvork the end

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