
Dream :: 020

13:05 vvork I went exploring into this old ancient temple
13:05 vvork think like skyrim style
13:06 vvork i finally reached the end of it and found a chest
13:06 vvork this was something i had done before
13:06 vvork i open the chest and look inside
13:06 vvork and i find emptiness
13:06 vvork so sadly i close the chest and head back
13:07 vvork i head back outside and my comrade stops me
13:07 vvork and he says
13:07 vvork "Hey what's wrong, where is your dream?"
13:07 vvork and i say back
13:07 vvork "No dream tonight, the chest was empty it wasn't in there"
13:07 vvork but this was my dream
13:07 vvork the end
13:07 vvork inception

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