
Dream :: 024

11:41 vvork so i was on a quest
11:41 vvork i needed to get to my cousins place
11:42 vvork but it was late at night
11:42 vvork and the road was long
11:42 vvork a few hundred km
11:42 vvork i think to make the trip i ended up on settling and taking a bus
11:42 vvork but i knew that it would get me there very late in the night
11:43 vvork upon arriving near my destination i bumped into my sister
11:43 vvork and asked her to help me
11:43 vvork cause she had the car
11:43 vvork and it was only a few minutes drive out of her way
11:43 vvork as expected
11:43 vvork she just left me at the side of the road and wouldn't help
11:43 vvork saying something like "it's not my problem if you can't plan how to get there yourself"
11:43 vvork "im not helping you with your problems"
11:43 vvork or something like that
11:44 vvork which is her general attitude towards me irl too
11:44 vvork so i was like w/e
11:44 vvork and i head off on foot for the last section of this journey
11:44 vvork i finally get to my cousins place
11:44 vvork and its like 5-6am
11:44 vvork and i can't ring the doorbell cause i'll wake up his family
11:44 vvork so im like dammit
11:45 vvork ill have to sleep outside till they are up
11:45 vvork but then i see a light turn on
11:45 vvork and my cousin is there
11:45 vvork and he's like
11:45 vvork yea i was up and saw you outside
11:45 vvork so he lets me in and we start catching up
11:45 vvork but he's already had his sleep
11:45 vvork and ive been up all night
11:45 vvork but i can't just go to sleep since he's nto going to be sleeping
11:45 vvork and it would be rude
11:45 vvork so im forced to pull an all nighter
11:46 vvork so anywyas we're out side
11:46 vvork and it's still dark but we're on an outdoor patio
11:46 vvork infront of a hair salon / restaurant thing
11:46 vvork and there are two cute girls in the window
11:46 vvork and i briefly make eye contact etc
11:46 vvork just waiting on some food to arrive
11:47 vvork and talkin to my cousin
11:47 vvork then orion shows up
11:47 vvork i invited him to come out with us
11:47 vvork and the girls come out to talk to me
11:47 vvork and they're nice but im not that interested because i mostly just want to get caught up on things with my cousin who i ahvent seen in a long time
11:47 vvork but orion like
11:47 vvork puts on his try hard pants
11:48 vvork the next time i look over at him
11:48 vvork he's changed into like really nice clothes
11:48 vvork and he decided to cook really fancy meals
11:48 vvork for the girls and us
11:48 vvork and sits them down etc
11:48 vvork like really trying to impress these chicks
11:48 vvork and i feel like that even though they were originally into me and that's why they came down to talk he's now stolen the show and they're totally digging him instead
11:49 vvork but i dotn really care either way
11:49 vvork so i just eat a nice meal and catch up with my cousin and talk to one of these girls
11:49 vvork then i woke up
11:49 vvork the end

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