
Dream :: 016

14:44 vvork i had a dream last night
14:44 vvork i came home
14:44 vvork and there was a hot chick in my house
14:44 vvork cleaning
14:44 vvork and she had made food
14:44 vvork wearing a maid type outfit
14:45 vvork and the greatest ass
14:45 vvork and i was like
14:45 vvork "something is wrong here"
14:45 vvork and i was suspicious
14:45 vvork but i couldn't resist the bait
14:45 vvork so i moved in for a feel and she turned into a giant monster
14:45 vvork and tried to eat me
14:45 vvork see i was in the middle of a save the world quest
14:45 vvork she almost fooled me
14:46 vvork it was a close one for earth
14:46 vvork but i got away
14:46 vvork i stole a hummer
14:46 vvork and drove it threw a wall
14:46 vvork and then
14:46 vvork the black guy from 2 fast 2 furoius was there
14:46 vvork and he let me lay low in his warehouse
14:46 vvork and got me a new car
14:46 vvork it was pretty chill
14:47 vvork then the alarm went off
14:47 vvork adventure over
14:48 vvork but dam
14:48 vvork that maid :3


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